Service: Electricity
Region: North Central and North East
City: Gabrovo, Razgrad, Ruse, Varna, and Veliko Tarnovo
Address: blvd "Vladislav Varnenchik" 258, Varna Towers - G, Varna
Phone: +35970080061
Energo-Pro is a Czech based electricity distribution and power trading company.
They operate a large-scale distribution grid in Bulgaria with more than 1.2 million grid customers. The company offers online access to the latest bill and other information. A 10 digit customer number and recent invoice number is required to access their portal.
Electricity Price including VAT:
- Day tariff 0.2453 BGN per kWh
- Night tariff 0.1374 BGN per kWh
Your Energo-Pro bill can be paid online:
- Internet banking to Energo-Pro UniCredit Bulbank bank account
- Or via Epay website