• Expore Bulgaria

Fancy a pint?

Let us meet at the Wolf Den. Darren appears to be busy at his new home in the Bulgarian village of Velchevo, near Veliko Tarnovo. He comes across as a friendly, modest,...

Plovdiv, ancient and wonderful

Plovdiv is believed to be one of the oldest settlements in Europe. The city has truly survived the test of time. Plovdiv can proudly carry the title European Capital of Culture. Next,...

3 Steps to a Successful Move

Why choose Bulgaria over London? This was a question Neil got asked on a Bulgarian TV programme “Da hvanesh gorata”. His answer: “Have you noticed the weather today? It is fantastic! And...

Belgian wedding in Sadina

Bulgarian Nova TV and host Galya Shtarbeva brought us the story of a Belgian couple Ann and Wilfred, who together with their son arrived in the Bulgarian village of Sadina near Ruse....

Japanese in Bulgaria

Yoshi Yamazaki and his family left the busy streets of Tokyo for Sofia and the village of Dalbok Dol near Troyan. They bought a cheap house in Dalbok Dol and renovated it...